Montpellier welcome Brest to the Stade de la Mosson for a Ligue 1 game this Sunday.

Montpellier are currently in 12th place in the table, while Brest sit four spots above them in eighth. However, it is worth noting that both of these sides have only played 11 games thus far, albeit for very different reasons.

So which of these two sides will come out on top when they face off this weekend?

Montpellier vs Brest Head-to-Head and Key Numbers

  • Recent results between these sides have tended to favor Montpellier. Not only have they beaten Brest in three of their last six meetings, but those wins have also come with some wild scorelines; 3-0, 0-7 and 0-4.
  • Montpellier’s form has been very much up and down this season. They’ve won three, drawn four and lost three, but worryingly, have failed to score in their last two matches.
  • Brest’s form has been even worse than their opponents this weekend. They won four of their first six games to top the table briefly in late September, but have now failed to win in five, and have lost their last three games in a row.
  • The away side may well be rusty here, too, as their last scheduled game against Strasbourg was postponed due to the effects of Storm Ciaran.
  • Despite their relatively high place in the league, Brest have scored just 11 goals this season. Only three sides have managed fewer, and all three are in the bottom four right now.

Montpellier vs Brest Prediction

Montpellier have been patchy at best this season, but despite failing to find the net in their last two games, they are still a dangerous attacking side. Those two games did come against the top two in Paris St. Germain and Nice, after all.

Brest, on the other hand, have struggled to score goals all season, and their form seems to have fallen off a cliff recently. More worryingly, they haven’t played since November 5 and could well be rusty coming into this game.

Montpellier are so unpredictable that this game could go either way, but despite this, the prediction is a home win.

Prediction: Montpellier 2-1 Brest

Montpellier vs Brest Betting Tips

Tip 1: Result – Montpellier to win.

Tip 2: Akor Adams to score for Montpellier – Yes (Adams has scored seven of Montpellier’s 15 goals this season).

Tip 3: Brest to concede in the first half – Yes (Brest have conceded in the first half of their last four games).

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