On Tuesday, November 22, New York socialite Libbie Mugrabi, the ex-wife of billionaire David Mugrabi, was arrested for allegedly attacking her former housekeeper.

According to the New York Post, 43-year-old Libbie Mugrabi destroyed her former employee's phone before threatening her with a knife, during a dispute they had over the latter's payment on July 31, 2022.

As per Southampton Town police, the dispute ended after Libbie Mugrabi unlawfully forced her former employee off her Sag harbor property.

Following Mugrabi's arrest, authorities announced that she was charged with multiple crimes, including 2 counts of second-degree menacing, third-degree criminal mischief, and fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon.

The 43-year-old socialite was released on bail following her arraignment at Southampton Justice Court.

Everything we know about Libbie Mugrabi

Libbie Mugrabi is a wealthy socialite and philanthropist who was formerly married to David Mugrabi, a billionaire businessman and art collector.

The daughter of a New Jersey plastic surgeon, Bikellaw reported that she met David while she was in culinary school. The former couple have two children together, Rosemary and Joseph Mugrabi.

Libbie garnered considerable attention in 2018 for her highly publicized divorce with David. Page Six reported that the court case involved a dispute over items from a $5 billion art collection that had been started by David Mugrabi's father, Jose. Libbie reportedly fought for her right to own certain items within the collection, which boasted 800 pieces by legendary New York artist Andy Warhol.

According to Bikellaw, Libbie argued that she was owed certain artworks from the famous Mugrabi family collection as she had played an active role in procuring many of them. She said:

“Being married to an art dealer is a very social business...love being part of the art world."

The Danspaper reported that after the divorce proceedings ended in 2020, Mugrabi received $100 million from her former spouse, and began to use the money in various philanthropic ventures. The Times reported that she used her wealth to invest in the Victoria & Albert museum, as well as other cultural and fashion-related events in London.

According to the Post, Libbie's involvement in championing several issues has made her a well-known figure around the Hamptons.

Other details about the accusations against Libbie Mugrabi

In response to the allegations that she assaulted a former employee, her lawyer Marianne Bertuna spoke out in support of her client's character.

Bertuna, who is from Aidala Bertuna & Kamins, said:

“Libbie Mugrabi is a pillar of our community and a law abiding citizen. The evidence will show that she is innocent of all these charges. We look forward to this matter being swiftly dismissed in its entirety.”

As of November 23, New York authorities have not released the name of the employee who has made the accusations against Mugrabi.

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