Swiss company 'On' is World No. 1 Iga Swiatek's sponsor for shoes and apparel, in whose kits she won her first title at the recently concluded Porsche Tennis Grand Prix. The Pole was previously sponsored by Nike before shifting to Asics from 2020 to March 2023, following which she became the first female athlete to sign for On.

The Swiss company is also Ben Shelton's sponsor for clothing and shoes, making him and Swiatek the first two athletes to represent the brand from head to toe.

Upon signing for On, Swiatek declared that she was glad to partner with the Swiss brand and added that she was working with them on shoes that would complement her style of play.

"Exciting year of some announcements and next steps on my journey. I’m thrilled to announce I am the first female tennis athlete at @on_running. I’m happy the On team believes in me as an athlete and a person. We plan to grow, develop and make an impact together," Iga Swiatek wrote on Instagram. "You’ll see me in totally new outfits during my next matches and I hope you like it as much as I do. And what’s more exciting… we started to work on my shoes which are crucial in my job and will complement my style of play, giving me everything I need on court. As the process of designing unique shoes takes time, you’ll see me in On shoes later during the year," she added.

On is a Swiss company that manufactures sporting goods. It was founded by Olivier Bernhard, a national Ironman champion, in partnership with David Allemann and Caspar Coppetti.

The company's first notable product was the Cloudracer footwear, which was released in 2012. It was later donned by Olympic gold-winning triathlete Nicola Spirig and former Ironman World Champion Frederik van Lierde.

On deployed a cushioning technology called CloudTec in their shoes, which was a key reason for their growth. A major high point in their young history was when Roger Federer became a shareholder in 2019. The following year, the 'THE ROGER' sneaker was released.

The Roger has since gained a lot of popularity, as has On. The most recent version of the 'The ROGER' sneaker, named the 'THE ROGER Pro clay,' was released in March 2023.

"The fact that Roger is involved in that kind of company is just a good kind of recommendation for tennis players" - Iga Swiatek

Iga Swiatek in action at the Porsche Tennis Grand Prix

Iga Swiatek said not long back that Roger Federer's involvement with On was a good "recommendation" for tennis players to sign with the company. She also revealed that the 20-time Grand Slam champion's influence was one of the reasons behind the Swiss company wanting to sign more tennis players like herself.

"Well, from my side, I think just the fact that Roger is involved in that kind of company is just a good kind of recommendation for tennis players. I think also he influenced a lot on their side, so that's why they want to go further and they want to sign players," Swiatek said.

In Stuttgart, Iga Swiatek donned On apparel and shoes while successfully defending her title at the Porsche Tennis Grand Prix, beating Aryna Sabalenka in the final for the second year in a row.

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